PETRA conducts scientific research into how psychological complaints manifest themselves in daily life. But also how we can improve the quality of care, and which treatment works best for whom. If you participate in PETRA, we ask your permission to do this research. Download more information below about what kind of research we do and how long we keep your data.
PETRA is based on scientific research on the utility of personalized diaries for clinical practice. Find relevant publications of the PETRA team below.
The development of PETRA is discussed in the preprint below:
Bos, F.M., von Klipstein, L., Emerencia, A.C., Veermans, E., Verhage, T., Snippe, E., Doornbos, B., Hadders-Prins, G., Wichers, M., Riese, H. (2022). A Web-Based Application for Personalized Ecological Momentary Assessment in Psychiatric Care: User-Centered Development of the PETRA Application. PDF
Bos, F.M. (2021). Ecological momentary assessment as a clinical tool in psychiatry: Promise, pitfalls, and possibilities. PhD Thesis (defended 8-9-2021), University of Groningen Press. PDF
Wichers, M., Riese, H., Hodges, T.M., Snippe, E., & Bos, F.M. (2021). A narrative review of network studies in depression: What different methodological approaches tell us about depression. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12.PDF
Riese H., von Klipstein L., Schoevers R.A., van der Veen D.C., Servaas M.N. (2021). Personalized ESM monitoring and feedback to support psychological treatment for depression: A pragmatic randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 21(1), 143.PDF
Riese , H., Wichers, M. (2021). Comment on: Eronen, M.I. (2019). The levels problem in psychopathology. Psychological Medicine, 51(3), 525-526.PDF
Bos, F.M., Snippe, E., Bruggeman, R., Doornbos, B., Wichers, M., van der Krieke, L. (2020). Recommendations for the use of long-term experience sampling in bipolar disorder care: Experiences of patients and clinicians. International Journal of Bipolar Disorders, 8, 38.PDF
von Klipstein, P.L., Riese, H., van der Veen, D.C., Servaas, M.N., Schoevers, R.A. (2020). Using person-specific networks in psychotherapy: challenges, limitations, and how we could use them anyway. BMC Medicine, 18, 345.PDF
Bringmann, L.F., van der Veen, D.C., Wichers, M., Riese, H., Stulp, G. (2020). ESMvis: a tool for visualizing individual Experience Sampling Method (ESM) data. Quality of Life Research.PDF
2019 and earlier
Bos, F.M., Snippe, E., Bruggeman, R., Wichers, M., & van der Krieke, L. Insights of patients and clinicians on the promise of the experience sampling method for psychiatric care. Psychiatric Services, 2019, 70(11), 983-991.PDF
Janssens, K.A.M., Bos, E.H., Rosmalen, J.G.M., Wichers, M., & Riese, H. (2018). A qualitative approach to guide choices for designing a diary study. BMC Medical Research Methodology, 18(1), 1-12.PDF
Kroeze, R., …, Riese, H. (2017). Personalized feedback on symptom dynamics of psychopathology: A proof-of-principle study. Journal of Person-Oriented Research, 3, 1–10.PDF
Simons, C.J.P., …, & Wichers, M. (2017). Economic evaluation of an experience sampling method intervention in depression compared with treatment as usual using data from a randomized controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry, 17(1), 415.PDF
Simons, C.J.P., … & Wichers, M. (2015). Effects of momentary self-monitoring on empowerment in a randomized controlled trial in patients with depression. European Psychiatry, 30(8), 900-906.PDF
Kramer, I., …, & Wichers, M. (2014). A therapeutic application of the experience sampling method in the treatment of depression: a randomized controlled trial. World Psychiatry, 13(1), 68-77.PDF